CITY OF YACHATS PUBLIC WORKS & STREETS COMMISSION Civic Meeting Room, Yachats Commons December 1, 2015 3:00 P.M. Minutes Chair Bob Bennett called the regular meeting of the Public Works and Streets Commission to order at 3:00 p.m. in the Civic Meeting Room of the Yachats Commons. Members present: Bob Bennett, Larry Nixon, and Don Groth. Doug Johnson and Joel Evans Absent I. Minutes – October 6, 2015 There was no Meeting in November. Motion to adopt the Minutes of October 6, 2015; Aye – 3, No – 0., 2 Absent II. Reports A. Public Works Department Report Rick McClung * The Blackstone Mapping Project completed. Have requested Civil West to provide PDF & CAD files to review and make any necessary changes and updates. The engineer said that it is not necessary to have it adopted by the Health Authority. * Working on the Looping Project and the residents are getting anxious. They have been informed that the water will be online within about 3 weeks. Phase II will be energizing and disinfecting the system, sending them to the Certified Lab. The water will then be drained to get rid of the chlorine and fill it with regular water and energize the system again. Then Horizon Hill tank can be filled. Phase II will be completed by the end of the budget year. Not pushing on Phase III, as Public Works crew has now been moved to the drainage projects that are an issue with the rainy season. Phase III the vault and altitude valve will be installed at a later date, but can still be put online. The City has saved over $100,000 on this project. The City can save money, but it just takes longer for regular city business to get done. * South Reservoir project - Just had a meeting with Civil West Engineering, Matt is the new project manager: The plans are 40% done and we added in some extra work to review. In 2 ˝ months plans will be good enough to consider ordering tanks and preparing documents to solicit bids. The Finance Committee Chair, Tom Lauritzen is applying for a grant/loan for the project. Engineers should have plans completed by March so the City can go out for bid in April. Construction could start in June with work done in November. The emergency storage container needs to be moved so engineers are looking into the cost to build a building next to the tank. It will need some electrical upgrades that include the earthquake valves at the tank and isolation valve at the bridge. * 101 Water line – Bids came in at $100,000. We had them split the bid up into two. The first is called In Right Away and Outside Right Away; from 3rd St. any work on 101 will be done this year and the water line behind the Commons will be done the following year. We are opening up bids tomorrow for phase I. Dave Buckwald: * The Parkside Pump station is completed, it’s about 700 over budget because of the pigtail * The Forest Contract is completed. We are covering the emergency on call if needed at a fairly high price. * Smoke testing is completed and the letters have been sent out to the homeowners (5). The main place of issue was at the Dublin. They have an extra month to 90 days to get it fixed. * Have been doing a lot of work at the screw press and SVR this month. The level transmitter is out and is in the process of getting fixed. It pretty important for the I & I season. * Degreased the pump station, the operator in training got 45 hours this month and the plant processed 41,000 gallons of bio solids. * The 5 yard dump truck need repair. Contacted Newport Diesel regarding the compressor Public Works is looking to get a rebuilt compressor, and for another dump truck out of next year’s budget, as it is 25 years old. Nixon & Bennett suggested they look at the state property website. The back hoe is severely rusted and it is time they should replace. C. Financial Data for Water and Sewer Funds No financial data. D. Solid Waste District Advisory Council Nixon said that he Johnson took a field trip to Coffin Butte where our solid waste goes. Dahl, Chuck worked at this site and can answer any questions we might have. Nixon will get Chuck’s info to forward to Buckwald & McClung. Also went to the glass plant to see it inner workings and is very impressing. III. Business Bennett asked Batchelder to pull the information on the terms of the commission members. There is one term expiring this month, Joel Evans. Bennett will request a letter stating that Evans will not reapply. There is a vacant spot F open. Groth expires in 2017, Walt is 2016, Nixon is 2017 and Bennett is 2016 Johnson is 2017. The bus stop letter – The bus used to be parked at the post office. The Hwy 101 committee is reviewing this issue. IV. Other Business - None A. From the Commission – None. B. From the Staff - None C. From the Floor - None There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Bob Bennett, Chair Attest: Kimmie Jackson, Deputy City Recorder Public Works & Streets Commission - September 1, 2015 1 of 3 S:\Public Works & Streets Commission\2015 Minutes\pws_minutes_12-01-15.docx